Saturday, November 07, 2009

Week 1, Day 2

So, day two of workout 1. I have to say I wasn't too excited about today. I forgot to stretch after my run/walk on Tuesday, so I was feeling it today. But, grudgingly, I pulled out my shorts and laced up my running shoes and hit the door. It was a mellow mood all day and my play list showed it. I studied music for a time in college, and there I was introduced to Bach's cello concerto's. This was the perfect day. I started off with the one from the American Express commercial with all of appliances and what not that are pictured as having faces, etc. you know the one. And off I went. The first run had to be the hardest. I have a feeling this will be a trend. My ankle felt stiff and my calves were attempting to throw up their second stomach, but I pressed on. As I went and as Bach was interrupted by Sgt. Robot, I started playing a game. I looked for things I would have otherwise missed had I not taken this jog. 1. A purple El Camino. I always think of Brad Pitt in "The Mexican" "Ellll Cam-EE- noh" as he runs his finger along the side. So funny. 2. At least 20 bags of leaves stacked ever so neatly on the side of a driveway next to a leaf-less lawn. For someone to appreciate it in the same way you must suffer, as I do, from CDO (its like OCD, but alphabetized like it should be). 3. I saw a guy drying off his Tahoe with a leaf blower. It makes perfect sense! Why go through the trouble of wiping when all you need to do is blow?

Anyway, that's the game I played while I jogged/walked. It makes the time go by and eases the pain. Although, Day 2 didn't seem to cause that much pain...I think I may be getting ahead of myself.

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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

It's something new...again.

I'm 32 years old. I'm not sure you knew that. A couple of weeks ago, I asked my parents if they were celebrating their 30th or 40th wedding anniversary so I'm not sure that knew that. I started something this evening and I'm not sure why. It's not New Years Eve, nor is it a milestone birthday. I didn't get bad news from the doctor or get orders to make a lifestyle change...I just started.

A week or so ago, I felt like the urging to get into shape. I know that fastest way to do that is by running. I hate running. This will be a common theme in this post, I'm sure. The second realization came as I looked back on all of my attempts at achieving physical fitness. I've run by myself. I've run with friends. I've run on the road, on the treadmill and on a hiking trail. I've walked a mile and run half a mile, then given it up altogether. So, I realized I needed a plan. I need to aim at something and work my way through the obstacles and over the hurdles to achieve that goal. So, here we go. I've started. And I'm blogging about it. I know that if there's something I want to achieve and I don't feel like I have the tenacity to see it through, if I tell someone else about it, I will work harder for fear of embarrassment and disappointment. So here we go (again). Goal #1: to run a 5k (3 miles) in 9 weeks. Oh, look! A handy iPod Touch app to help: Couch to 5k. Goal #2: run a half marathon (13.1 miles) (hopefully with my wife Jennifer and buddy Matt). Goal #3: run a full marathon (26.2) (with anyone crazy enough to do it).

Matt has run in at least one marathon that I know of and I was present for a half marathon in Nashville. So, to the authority I turn. He sent me to this site: Cool Running which, in turn, prompted me to look for the iPod app. So, here's day 1:

Workout 1 Day 1
This workout consists of a five minute warm up and alternating 60 seconds of jogging with 90 seconds of walking. So, I start "Alligator Pie" by the Dave Matthews Band, hit the Genius on my iPod and off we go. "Alligator Pie" goes off without a hitch. My five minute warm up outlasts Stella whining about being put into a song. I start enjoying the fall wind and the colors of the remaining leaves when I hear "ding, ding ding...RUN!" What the...? Oh yeah, I'm supposed to run now. Apparently, "audio cues" on the website become a "Speak and Spell" with a drill sergeant tone. I pump my legs. My heart starts beating and my lungs fill like they are about to burst. All of a sudden, I'm noticing that Dave is now crooning, "Save Me" and I'm praying along with him. "ding, ding, ding...walk." Whew, that was crazy! Look at me! I ran...wait, how long was that? Oh yeah, 60 seconds. At this point, I'm sure I have made an error in judgment. There is no reason that anyone should voluntarily jump off the couch and subject themselves to this torture. Next song: from U2's new album, No Line on the Horizon, "Breathe" comes on. I couldn't make this up. I'm not that creative. With Bono reminding me that breathing, while involuntarily, needs to become voluntary. No, that's not in the lyrics, but when you are hyperventilating, you focus on the one thing that keeps you alive and that happened to be coming from Bono. "ding, ding, ding...RUN!" SIR, YES, SIR!!! Bono's encouragement bounces around in my head like the mass of flesh around my gut and keeps me going through the next few segments of the workout until eventually, the "ding, ding, ding" involuntarily makes me alter my pace. On at least one transition, I cheat on the last ding and walk before Sgt. Roboto tells me to. "RUN" "walk" "RUN" "Cool down period." What? I mean...I didn't...Wow, it's over? I would love to tell you that's what I was thinking, but all I could think was, "Jehovah Jireh! God has provided a way out of this torture!"

I finish my cool down and do some stretches thinking about how Day 1 is in the books. Only 8 weeks and six days left. Don't forget to Breathe.

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