He drives!!!
It's very frightening being a parent. Not only are you responsible for another human being. You have to make sure they're healthy make sure they learn what to do and what not to do and teach them how to survive on their own. Well, he's learning.
He has begun driving.
if you'll notice, in the background there's an actual car zooming past going the opposite direction. This is not the "drive around the parking lot" or "drive through the field" driving, this is actual, on the road crossing busy streets driving.
Yesterday, I took him to the DMV and he took his permit test. He passed with only reading the first few chapters of the book (something he'll have to finish before he actually drives a lot). We celebrated at Taco Bueno, then I drove across two busy streets and he drove the rest of the way home.
When he got into the driver's seat the second time, he put his permit
(now a card instead of a piece of paper) right in front of him on the dashboard. It promptly fell down behind the dashboard. So, I had to take the dashboard apart before I realized I could have just stuck my hand behind, under and around to get it.
Ahh, the adventure that is parenting. This is going to be so much fun. I've gotten to the point where if he is getting too close to the edge of the road on the right side, I'll just tap on the dashboard instead of grabbing it with both hands and yelling, "WATCH OUT!!!" He stays more calm that way...
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He has begun driving.
Yesterday, I took him to the DMV and he took his permit test. He passed with only reading the first few chapters of the book (something he'll have to finish before he actually drives a lot). We celebrated at Taco Bueno, then I drove across two busy streets and he drove the rest of the way home.
When he got into the driver's seat the second time, he put his permit

Ahh, the adventure that is parenting. This is going to be so much fun. I've gotten to the point where if he is getting too close to the edge of the road on the right side, I'll just tap on the dashboard instead of grabbing it with both hands and yelling, "WATCH OUT!!!" He stays more calm that way...
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